
Sunday 14 August 2011

Pyramid to plate

Sorry for the awful long silence... It's been a furry, oops I mean flurry of actvities with the project team. I've come to think that perhaps a Facebook account will work better with quicker updates but the lazy cat in me has been procrastinating... Someone give me a kick! =P

I wanted to blog about a 2-month old news release by the US Department of Agriculture. Do you remember the food pyramid on the food labels as a guide for the proportion on the type of food for a balancer diet? I vaguely remembered that carbohydrates and such form the base of the pyramid. Can't remember much else besides that! Who can remember what's in it?! So, finally someone thought of a better visual reminder to help us better remember how to make our food selections. The solution? Junk the pyramid and bring in the plate!

(wanted to paste the graphic here but can't seemed to do it via my iPhone. I need an iPad!)

Anyway I thought it was a brilliant idea because it made it so much easier to know how much of what to eat... This simple graphic seems like common sense. Like, duh, how come no one thought of it before?

Now, this is what I call user-centric... Innovation or maybe just plain common sense?

Now, think about myplate the next time you think about what to have for lunch! Happy healthy living! =)